
viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

Psychedelic therapy

I wasn't very sure, but she convinced me. So I called the phone number she gave me and scheduled the appointment. The lady on the other end of the line gave me a list of instructions to consider before and after, as long as the shopping list wives give to husbands.

Why did I want to do this? Well, I thought that maybe by delving into my subconscious, I could discover what caused my fear of flying.

After the obligatory smudging ritual, I hastily consumed the mushrooms. From then on, an experience like I had never had before began. I traversed the Milky Way with a snap of my fingers, encountering a few UFOs along the way, both on the journey there and back. Returning to this more rugged reality, I could see myself from the outside, noticing how much my bald spot had progressed over the years.

After this first encounter with altered reality, a voice that identified itself as the therapist guided me through a regression process, fortunately only of this lifetime, in which I progressed to within a hair's breadth of returning to the matrix.

Everything would have ended perfectly, if it weren't for the fact that the regression process triggered other phobias, namely, up until this point, fear of open spaces, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of spiders, and finally, turophobia, which is nothing more than a fear of cheese, and in my particular case, especially the one with lots of holes.

They say that everything that happens to us has a reason. This saying doesn't completely convince me. The fact is, once my irrational fear of flying was cured, but with three new phobias in tow, I'm returning to therapy with Dr. Abravanel next Monday.

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